Charley Pride Challenge
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Charley Pride Challenge Bundle

The Charley Pride Challenge was conceived on a road trip in the RV. It is a 2,000 mile road trip between San Antonio and Phoenix, stopping along the way at 16 events in Texas, New Mexico and Arizona. Download the FREE Charley Pride Challenge Booklet and use it to keep track as you complete the events either from east to west (two events in San Antonio), or from west to east (two events in Phoenix).

The Woodland Wanderers has created eight of the 16 events. By purchasing the bundle, you receive all eight sets of maps and directions, and two insert cards with all eight stamps. Print as many as you need. The other eight events are completed using the registration instructions of the other clubs. To get the complete picture, download the complete List of Events. We hope you enjoy completing the Charley Pride Challenge.

Price: $28.00

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